Melrose Learning Trust has the following structure:

Full details of the structure of our Trust, as well as the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation, can be downloaded below.

The Melrose Trust board have overall responsibility for:

  • Holding Trust leaders to account for ensuring all Melrose Trust schools improve to ensure the educational potential of each child is maximised
  • Supporting and challenging head teachers and Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) in relation to their delegated roles and responsibilities.
  • Holding the Trust to account in relation to its wider responsibilities, and in particular in relation to school and Trust compliance in relation to statutory and legislative requirements.

In order to ensure this, the Melrose Trust board will play a key role in:

  • Regularly reviewing data for all Trust schools and ensuring swift action is taken in relation to any areas of concern.
  • Overseeing outcomes of recent Ofsted inspections or interim assessments.
  • Working with each school to identify and agree risks or priorities for development and monitoring the impact of action taken by school leaders.
  • Identifying and agreeing relevant school-to-school support for individual schools and ensuring appropriate support and challenge in order to bring about rapid improvement.
  • Working with individual schools with short term challenges or in areas which put them at risk.

Details of the Local Governing Body for each school, including the name of the Chair of each, is available on individual school websites.

As a growing trust, we would be open to a discussion with any school or schools interested in joining Melrose Learning Trust.

We believe we have a great deal to offer schools who would like to share in a successful, supportive and collaborative educational organisation.